Augmented Reality and the Future World of Work

With the help of augmented reality, so-called CAD models are projected into the real environment as 3D holograms. Currently, this technology is mostly used in industry. This is partly due to the fact that it enables prototypes to be created quickly, was quickly established in quality management and also significantly simplifies the planning of production processes. In the near future, many industries and entire professions will certainly follow and benefit from AR. What opportunities could augmented reality mean for the working world of the future? An exciting outlook from Mako-Technics.

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Augmented Reality: Diverse opportunities for the working world of the future

Remote work has been on everyone’s lips since the Corona Pandemic, but it hasn’t quite arrived in Germany yet. It is often assumed that this type of work is more for pure office or administrative work. After all, for more complex activities, for example on technical products with different teams, physical access is still required on site. Nothing could be further from reality in the future. Because AR makes it possible to carry out precisely such highly complex tasks effortlessly from other locations. All you need is the appropriate hardware, software and a stable internet connection.

Augmented Reality Arbeitswelt

Especially with regard to ease of use, augmented reality has improved significantly in recent years. At the beginning we listed some well-known application areas from the industry as examples. In the future, service areas or technical support could also benefit from this technology. After all, AR enables experts in the background to communicate and interact directly with technicians on site, for example. For this, a technician usually only needs a smartphone, tablet or in some cases AR glasses.

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More Efficient Training Opportunities

Augmented Reality could also revolutionize the working world of the future with a view to further training and additional qualifications. Employees can take part in training courses from the comfort of their own homes. This technology would also make the presentation of new products much more efficient than most digital means currently allow. This flexibility pays off for both companies and employees alike. Because unnecessary journeys and costs are avoided, a fact that also benefits the environment.

Will AR increase the share of mobile work in the future?

The Mako-Technics team firmly assumes this. Physical interaction with products and components is already no longer necessary in many cases. Augmented reality in the world of work will help ensure that this trend continues. The technology offers many advantages for many industries and business areas in the future. Benefits we don’t know about today. But technical progress cannot be stopped – you can only use it and only benefit from it!

Do you have further questions on this or other topics? Do not hesitate – contact us today! We look forward to your inquiry.
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